
Help us recognize the newest Eagle Scouts, Sea Scout Quartermasters, and Venture Summit Award recipients. Join Our Organization!

Las Aguilas de Diablo has four membership levels to offer.

Award Recipients


Scout Honorees and Scholarship Recipients

Young Professional


Full Membership

Annual Dinner with Honoree

Scholarship Contribution

Up to 35 years of age



Annual Dinner with Honoree

Las Aguilas


Full Membership

Annual Dinner with Honoree

Scholarship Contribution

MDSC Endowment Fund

Memberships Include

Attend Annual Dinner with Honoree

Allows the member or non-member to attend the Annual Recognition Event with an assigned Honoree Scout.

Scholarship Fund

Las Aguilas members support its scholarship fund which is a separate 501(c)3 organization. Each year Las Aguilas Scholarship Committee grants several thousands of dollars in scholarships to qualifying scouts. In addition the Las Aguilas Scholarship Fund creates specialized named scholarships for families and individuals who wish to leave a legacy gift to Scouting.

Golden Gate Area Council Endowment Fund

$100.00 of each year’s dues is applied to the Golden Gate Area Council Endowment Fund. After 10 years, members are qualified for the James E. West Award.